Error folder not writable!

PHP is unable to write to folder titled ../../rw_common/data/.
Please set the permissions of the folder to 777 by hand using your favorite FTP application.


This is the secure download area for all Software Steward products.

Please click the “login” button in the top right part of the screen that looks like:

Screen shot 2011-01-05 at 10.23.06 PM

and enter your username and password.

If you would like access to this area, please contact us using the “About Us” option in the menu above to request a trial key.


IP Steward

Patent searching, downloading, analysis, and proofing. Also provides trademark searching, research tools for intellectual property, and various other intellectual property features.

Docket Steward

Docket management and assistance.

Server Steward

Provides for multiuser sharing of docketing and patent data.


Powerful help authoring tool.